$59.00 USD

Write Your Book with Karen Putz

You have a children's book you've always wanted to create...it's been floating around in your head...here's how to make it a reality! 

Discover the EASY way to write, create, and publish your children's book, all in ONE day. 

What you'll learn:

  • The tools that make the entire process EASY
  • How to find talent to illustrate the parts of your book that you can't create yourself
  • How to self publish your book quickly and efficiently

Create the children's book that you've always wanted to create but kept putting off...

When: Saturday, March 2, 2024

Time: 1 to 3 pm EST

Where: Zoom 

Karen Putz is the author of multiple books, including "The Blue Starfish," a children's book that she created in one day. She also created and published three additional children's books: The Delightful Dragonfly, Yummy Veggies, and Yummy Fruits. 

Note: this workshop is in American Sign Language with no voicing or captions.